Ancient Knowledge For Modern Life: The Importance Of Respiratory Wellness


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Oct 16, 2023

Ancient Knowledge For Modern Life: The Importance Of Respiratory Wellness

COVID-19 has brought respiratory health into the wellness spotlight. Whether

COVID-19 has brought respiratory health into the wellness spotlight.

Whether it's maskne, anxiety-induced tightness in our chests or difficulty breathing when infected with COVID-19—the respiratory system has been at the forefront of everyone's mind over the past year. But doctors, from both Western and traditional disciplines, have been advocating for people to incorporate respiratory wellness into their routines for centuries. "The world has figured out you get sick through your mouth and nose, but we’ve been preaching this message for a long time," says Dr. Shawn Nasseri, a Harvard-trained doctor and Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon. With COVID-19 waking people up to the importance of protecting their immunity, health experts like Dr. Nasseri anticipate respiratory health will be one of this year's dominating wellness trends.

Dr. Shawn Nasseri and his partner Dr. Bita Nasseri have been advocating for respiratory wellness ... [+] long before COVID-19.

"Any physician or healthcare provider you speak to, they say it all starts with your breathing," says Dr. Shawn Nasseri's partner, Bita Nasseri, a UCLA Medical School educated and Mayo Clinic trained anesthesiologist. "If your respiratory system isn't in top shape, it creates a local inflammatory infectious process that puts your body in fight mode." Dr. Shawn Nasseri adds, "When our immune systems waste energy fighting less harmful allergens in the nose, it compromises our ability to fight off more fatal infections." It's for this reason, that the two doctors advocate taking care of our respiratory system every day, not just when we’re sick. "Everything starts with your respiratory wellness, everything starts with the first breath you take," says Dr. Bita Nasseri.

"When our immune systems waste energy fighting less harmful allergens in the nose, it compromises ... [+] our ability to fight off more fatal infections," says Dr. Shawn Nasseri.

The married doctors may have launched their respiratory wellness brand Euka during the pandemic, but the idea was born three years ago, out of a desire to protect the health of their family and celebrity clients, like Justin Bieber and Carrie Underwood, while on the road. "As Western as we are in our practices, we internally have more of a holistic approach to our life." Which is why they’ve developed a line of natural, toxin-free products that target the respiratory system from both inside and outside the body—like an immune-boosting multi-vitamin and aromatherapy shower bombs. The Euka Wellness Bento includes the full selection of their products to make incorporating respiratory wellness into daily routines easy.

Doctors Shawn Nasseri and Bita Nasseri were inspired to create Euka to protect their family and ... [+] celebrity clients while travelling.

Euka isn't the only brand stressing the importance of the respiratory system. "Maintaining proper lung function is important for delivering oxygen and removing waste gas from the body, which are critical functions to maintain life," Dr. Audrey Ross, the Senior National Educator at Country Life Vitamins, tells Forbes. The vital role of the lungs in illness prevention is not to be overlooked—according to Dr. Ross, "The National Institutes of Health state lung concerns affect tens of millions of people."

But it appears people are catching on, Dr. Ross says Country Life Vitamins developed their new Lung Defense supplement specifically to address the increasing demand they’ve seen for respiratory products. The formula contains glutathione to reduce oxidative stress on the lungs, immune-boosting Wellmune beta-glucan from Baker's Yeast and free radical neutralizers vitamin C and zinc.

The Euka Wellness Bento includes a sampling of the full selection of their products to make ... [+] incorporating respiratory wellness into daily routines easy.

Natural supplement line Zuma Nutrition has similarly targeted the lungs with their new Lung Detox Tonic. "We wanted to provide a formula that offers antiviral benefits for the respiratory system, while also cleansing the lungs of the toxins breathed in from polluted air," says Zuma Nutrition co-founder Jordan Dorn. The formula, designed by Zuma co-founder and third-generation herbalist Richard Helfrich, contains Osha root for clearing mucus and increasing circulation, lungwort to relieve fluid retention and mullein leaf to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Zuma's Lung Defense Tonic contains Osha root for clearing mucus and mullein leaf to reduce ... [+] inflammation in the respiratory tract.

"In the past, asthma or heavy smoking habits could be swept under the rug and ignored," says Dorn. "COVID-19 has brought respiratory health to all of our attention." With the Lung Detox Tonic becoming one of their top sellers in recent months, the company co-founder anticipates respiratory health becoming a major wellness trend this year, "breathwork, HEPA air filters and herbs that cleanse and support the lungs will come into the mainstream," predicts Dorn.

Asthma and allergy experts are certainly excited to see air filters more top of mind. But while people may be increasingly aware of what lingers in public spaces, the quality of the air inside our homes remains overlooked. "On average we spend 90% of our time indoors, where the air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air," Dr. John McKeon, CEO and Founder of Allergy Standards Ltd. (ASL), tells Forbes. And those numbers were recorded before the pandemic.

Indoor air "can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air," says Dr. John McKeon, CEO and ... [+] Founder of Allergy Standards Ltd. (ASL).

"Poor indoor air quality can affect even the healthiest lungs," says Lorene Alba, Certified Asthma Educator and Director of Education for Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). "Pollutants can irritate the eyes, nose and throat, and cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue." Alba recommends getting an air purifier that contains a HEPA filter and carries the seal of approval from the AAFA and ASL's asthma & allergy friendly Certification Program.

In colder climates, Alba says humidifiers can help combat respiratory symptoms caused by the dry air from our home heating systems. Why should we concerned about the humidity levels of our quarantine air? According to Dr. McKeon, there is mounting evidence that cold and dry conditions might facilitate the spread of COVID-19 while humid environments show less transmission. "To make your home comfortable and healthy, relative humidity levels should be between 35 to 50% to reduce indoor air pollutants like asthma and allergy triggers," says Alba.

Humidifiers and essential oil diffusers can help combat respiratory symptoms caused by the dry air ... [+] from our home heating systems.

Essential oil diffusers can help too. "While they emit less moisture into the air than a humidifier, a diffuser has the added benefit of being able to deliver wellness-enhancing essential oils into your space," Kathy Chi Thurber, president of Saje Natural Wellness, tells Forbes. Saje's diffusers also emit negative ions to remove airborne particles. It's no surprise, then, that their diffusers have been a popular purchase during the pandemic. So too have Saje's other respiratory products, like the Fortify line, which includes nasal inhalers, chest rubs and roll-ons containing essential oils like tea tree and eucalyptus, to decongest the sinuses and respiratory tract.

Saje essential oil diffusers emit negative ions to remove airborne particles.

"Although it's been a very challenging year, many of us, including more healthcare providers and researchers, understand the benefits that natural products and essential oils can have in our lives," says Thurber. The Saje president points out that approximately 50% of people who contract COVID-19 lose their sense of smell. "While research is ongoing by a group of international researchers led by neuroscientists at Harvard Medical School, it is believed that essential oils may be a valuable tool to aid in the recovery process of retraining the olfactory system." Thurber highlights that what we put on our bodies may be just as important as what we take internally. "Among the most noteworthy properties of essential oils are their analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory actions when inhaled or applied on the body safely," says Thurber.

Saje's Fortify essential oil roll-on is designed to clear congestion.

Saje's Fortify essential oil roll-on is designed to clear congestion."There is a long history of using essential oils for respiratory support. Going back to the times of Christ—the Three Wives Men who showed up with gifts for Jesus? Those gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh," Reno Rolle, the founder of BoKu Superfood, tells Forbes. Like Thurber, Rolle is thrilled to see consumers embracing natural supplements containing essential oils. "Flying off the shelf would probably not be an understatement," Rolle says in regards to BoKu's products for respiratory suppport: the IMMUNE Candle, IMMUNE Tonic, NOSE Oil and AIR Freshener Room Spray, which contain anti-inflammatory and decongesting essential oils like boswellia (frankincense) and peppermint.

Boku has seen a boost in sales of their respiratory-related products during the pandemic.

"Some of what we’re doing people say is very futuristic, but often we’re going back in time to honor some of these traditions that have been revered in cultures all over the world." While BoKu is known for their innovative plant-based formulas, for them, innovation means looking to the past for solutions. Rolle critiques "this approach to science where we come up with man-made alternatives, if we honor ancient traditions instead of trying to make them better; if we stay close to nature, there are some really exciting answers out there."

The BoKu CEO isn't surprised that the spotlight has turned to respiratory health, "breath is life, our nose is the gateway to the body, the lungs nourish every cell." Based on the Ayurvedic theory that the sinuses are a direct passage to prana (our life force), BoKu designed their NOSE Oil with antimicrobial colloidal micro silver and an immune-boosting probiotic to keep the nasal cavity clear. The tincture draws inspiration from the Ayurvedic practice of nasya, in which oil is inserted straight up the nostrils. "These are traditions that have been practiced for a very long time and there's a reason that they’ve survived—it's because they work," says Rolle.

"Breath is life, our nose is the gateway to the body, the lungs nourish every cell," says Boku CEO ... [+] Reno Rolle.

"Ayurveda is not modern, research-based medicine, but it's a time-tested medicine," says Ismat Dhala-Nathani, DNM (Ayurveda) and founder of the Centre for Ayurveda and Indian System of Healing (CAISH) in Toronto. While Western doctors are relieved to see people waking up to the role that our respiratory system plays in illness prevention, so too, are practitioners of traditional medicine like Dhala-Nathani, who have always considered maintaining respiratory health essential to overall well-being. "Ayurvedic medicine has been promoting the importance of the respiratory system for at least three thousand years, it's one of the oldest traditional medicines, even older than Chinese medicine," Dhala-Nathani tells Forbes.

"Ayurvedic medicine has been promoting the importance of the respiratory system for at least three ... [+] thousand years," according to Ayurvedic practitioner Ismat Dhala-Nathani.

"We prioritize the respiratory system because it connects to all the other systems—lymphatic, skeletal, reproductive, nervous and muscular," Dhala-Nathani says, explaining that Ayurvedic medicine considers the respiratory system when treating all kinds of diseases. The Ayurvedic tradition believes a healthy respiratory system is achieved when there is equilibrium between the three bio-energies: Vata (the amount of air that goes in and out of the body), Kapha (the lubrication of the respiratory tract) and Pitta (the temperature of the respiratory system). The emphasis on maintaining this balance, and what Dhala-Nathani calls "internal hygiene" of the nasal passage and oral cavity, makes Ayurvedic medicine particularly suited to our current moment.

"Our nasal passageway and our lungs are seen as a great conduit for imbuing us with the energy of life," explains Tiffany Nicholson-Smith, Ayurvedic Practitioner and founder of RASA Ayurveda, Canada's largest Ayurvedic apothecary, "Cleansing and purifying our nasal passages can greatly improve the quality of every breath we take." This Ayurvedic principle served as the inspiration for RASA's Copper Neti Pot, which rinses out the nasal cavity with a saline solution. While neti pots are becoming increasingly mainstream, Nicholson-Smith wishes more people would cleanse their noses with Nasya Oil, which includes healing herbs like eucalyptus and brahmi. "We continuously receive testimonials from people around the world who are finding not only relief from sinus conditions, colds and flus, but who are also noticing how our Nasya Oil brings serenity to the mind," says Nicholson-Smith.

RASA's Nasya oil draws inspiration from the Ayurvedic belief that the nose is the gateway to prana, ... [+] life force.

Perhaps it's this holistic view of the body that differentiates Ayurveda when seeking strategies for staying well during the pandemic. Whereas Western medicine views the respiratory system from the "anatomical and physiological perspective," according to Dhala-Nathani, Ayurvedic medicine considers the psychological relationship too. "The Ayurvedic definition of health is mind-body-spirit and senses," says Dhala-Nathani. Nicholson-Smith adds that Ayurveda not only offers internal herbal medicine, but includes lifestyle practices, like yoga and breathwork to improve the freedom of breath, and by extension, overall well-being. "It doesn't matter what you do, it matters how you do," says Dhala-Nathani. It's for this reason that Ayurveda emphasizes the act of breathing, a tool most people have access to yet often overlook.

Ayurveda promotes a holistic approach to respiratory wellness that includes lifestyle practices like ... [+] yoga and breathwork.

"Breathwork can be historically traced back to Native and Asian cultures," breathwork practitioner Jasmine Marie tells Forbes, adding that it was likely used in even more Indigenous cultures, especially of African lineage, than we know of, because traditions were shared orally. The breathwork practitioner recognizes what these cultures have understood for centuries—the breath can heal. It's for this reason Marie created black girls breathing (bgb) in 2018 to share the benefits of breathwork with Black women, who are disproportionally affected by medical issues yet continue to face unequal access to health services.

Jasmine Marie created black girls breathing (bgb) in 2018 to fill the void of health and wellness ... [+] services for Black women.

"Breathwork helps to alleviate the impact of trauma as we use it to nurture the parasympathetic nervous system," Marie says. The bgb founder explains that taking shorter, rapid breaths are an indication of stress and anxiety; and a chronically stressed nervous system can lead to long-term physical ailments. Marie tells Forbes this is a pervasive issue in the Black community, especially given the prevalence of racism-inflicted post-traumatic stress disorder.

"Respiratory wellness expands beyond our body and lungs into a socio-political issue," says Marie. Referencing the current lack of environmental policies protecting Black and Latinx communities from pollution, Marie highlights that "our local environments and governments have an impact on our ability to breathe." While most people may possess the potential to benefit from the transformative power of the breath, Marie reminds us that it's just one tool among many required for maintaining respiratory wellness.

While most people may have their breath, breathwork is one tool among many required to support ... [+] respiratory wellness.

From the supplements we swallow to the essential oils we inhale to the practice of breathing mindfully—there are countless ways to enhance our respiratory health. As people become increasingly concerned with staying well during the pandemic, wellness brands will continue to innovate with new products that target the respiratory system. Whether it's the Ayurvedic tradition of nasya or Western medical advice to wear a mask, health experts have long understood its essential role in enhancing our overall well-being. Respiratory health, it turns out, isn't a new wellness trend at all, it's simply getting the attention it's always deserved.