Every Treasure Location In The Castle In Resident Evil 4 Remake


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Oct 02, 2023

Every Treasure Location In The Castle In Resident Evil 4 Remake

Complete the Burglar Achievement / Trophy with this guide to every Treasure in

Complete the Burglar Achievement / Trophy with this guide to every Treasure in Resident Evil 4 Remake's Castle Salazar!

There are forty-one Treasures hidden throughout Castle Salazar in Resident Evil 4 Remake. A few are in plain sight, but most require at least a little searching in order to find. Between locked chests, hidden keys, and retracing your steps, finding them all in a single playthrough to complete the Burglar Challenge is quite a feat!

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: All Blue Medallion Locations

This guide has the locations of every Treasure in the Castle, including where to find the keys that you'll need to unlock them. Be sure to give each area's section a read as you enter - many of the Treasures must be taken at the first opportunity, or they'll be lost forever!

This guide contains spoilers.

When you first arrive at the castle, walk around to the back of the Merchant's shop. There's a chest there with a Vintage Compass inside.

After using the cannon to eliminate the catapults, jump through the hole in the tower roof. Follow the path to the end, and you'll find a chest containing an Elegant Bangle, plus a latched door leading back to the main area.

When you boost Ashley over the wall to have her open the way to the Dungeon, turn right after going through the door that she unlocks. Follow the path to the end to find a chest containing an Elegant Perfume Bottle.

When you squeeze through the crack in the wall, look to the left to see a cask hanging overhead. Shoot it, then use your knife to clear the wooden slats and access the Ruby that falls to the ground. As a bonus, there's also ammo in the cupboard behind them!

When you emerge from the Treasury at the upper level of the Audience Chamber, jump across the chandeliers and take a right. Jump through the hole in the ground to get the Golden Hourglass in the chest that was previously inaccessible. Ashley will kick a ladder down so that you can easily climb back up.

The box on the left side of the Audience Chamber can be opened with the Cubic Device found in the Armory. Beware, as when you return to the Audience Chamber there will be a group of Zealots led by a Plaga Priest! Opening the chest reveals a Justitia Statue.

There's a locked drawer on the left side of the room, near the wall that you can boost Ashley over. It contains a Gold Bar, but you'll probably have to come back much later to open it.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Seven Walkthrough

After climbing out of the Dungeon, look for shelves on the left. There's a Spinel in plain sight, and a Green Herb and Clockwork Castellan hidden to the right!

Past the Knights and Swords puzzle, there's a chest near the end of the hallway containing a Gold Bangle.

Behind the spot where the Zealot Leader who carried the Crimson Lantern was preaching, there's a large chest against the wall containing a Mirror With Pearls And Rubies.

After reuniting with Ashley, return to the Wine Cellar and boost her through the hole over the locked door just before the stairs to the Bindery. She'll open it from the other side, allowing you to collect the Depraved Idol inside.

When you return with Ashley, one of the suits of armor will animate and attack! It drops a Spinel, so consider it a bonus for bothering to come back.

A chest to the left of the fireplace contains an Extravagant Clock.

After solving the Lithographic Stone Puzzle, continue forward until you see a Plaga skitter past a doorway. Turn left to enter the area that the bug just left, and you'll find a Small Key on a desk.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Eight Walkthrough

A locked drawer to the right of the fireplace contains a Brass Pocket Watch. If you use the Small Key that you find in the next room (see above), you won't have to come back later. Returning to the Bindery in Chapter Nine or later will cause a battle with two Armaduras, each of whom drops a Spinel.

After climbing up the yellow-painted planks during the Sun and Moon Doors puzzle, drop through the hole in the ground to the left. At the end of the path, guarded by a pair of Ganados, is a chest containing an Ornate Necklace.

When you reach the top of the tower and first see El Gigante, jump off the right side instead of the left. Climb the ladder on the tower at the end of the path; there's a chest in the center containing an Emerald.

During the battle with El Gigante, look behind you after the third drop; there's an empty room with a cask hanging from the ceiling. You may need to operate the lever above so that Sun Doors are open, but once you're inside you can shoot the cask to get a Ruby.

You can return to this area later to search without boulders being hurled at you; a few Ganados will have respawned, but they're nothing you can't handle.

Check the bottom of the cannon tower; there's a locked drawer at the end of the first hallway. It contains an Ornate Beetle.

At the back of the courtyard, past the Colmillo Kennels, in an enclosed area. Check the left side for a chest containing an Elegant Chessboard.

Immediately to the left of the Merchant's Hideout door, there's a statue with a cask in her hand. Shoot the cask to get an Alexandrite.

In the entryway to the Armory, look inside the cupboard in the far-left corner. There's a Small Key inside.

After defeating the Armaduras in the Armory, open the chest in the exit hallway to get the Cubic Device. Like the Old Wayshrine Key, this is required to unlock several chests in the Castle.

You can immediately use the Cubic Device to open the chest in the back corner of the Merchant's Hideout, next to the tramway door. It contains a Butterfly Lamp.

In the Gallery, look under the bridge after you raise it back up. There's a blue chest containing a Yellow Diamond that is inaccessible while the bridge is retracted into the floor.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Nine Walkthrough

While you're playing as Ashley, go to the back of the Library and place the lantern on the white pedestal. A bookshelf will move, allowing you to reach a crank behind it. This lowers a staircase. Come back as Leon and use the Cubic Device to open the chest at the top of the stairs and receive the CQBR Assault Rifle inside. On subsequent playthroughs, you'll get a Gold Bar instead.

If Ashley doesn't turn the crank (which is possible if you bypass the Library by setting the clock in the Study to seven o'clock), Leon cannot reach the upper level of the Library, since the lantern will be lost. Be sure to open the path before retrieving the Salazar Family Insignia!

After collecting the Bunch Of Keys as Ashley, make a detour to the western side of the Library. Crouch under the hole in the shelves (to the left as you come back down the hidden staircase) and use the second key from the left to open the chest that you find. You'll receive an Elegant Perfume Bottle.

When you reach the Study as Ashley, use the Bunch Of Keys on the decorated chest behind the bookshelves. The Winged Key (the one furthest to the right) will unlock the chest, producing a Sapphire.

When you reach the blue torch that stops the Armaduras in the Mausoleum, look behind the wooden barrier to the right. The final decorated chest is there; use the leftmost key to open it and get an Emerald.

Any Treasures that Ashley picks up can be retrieved by Leon from the floor in front of the Chimera Door at the beginning of Chapter Ten.

Once you return to playing as Leon, go to the Study where Ashley placed the Salazar Family Insignia and use the Cubic Device to unlock a box containing a Golden Lynx.

When you first enter the ballroom, go to the bottom of the stairs and turn right. Follow the path clockwise around the outside of the room, until you're under the stairs that you just came down. At the end of the path is a chest containing an Ornate Beetle.

In the center of the Novistador-infested Ballroom, look for a tunnel of fallen rubble. Inside is a cask that yields a Ruby when shot.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Ten Walkthrough

When you get out of the water and reach the cell with the prisoner's note, look on the wall straight ahead. There's an Elegant Crown - the most valuable Treasure in the game - hidden in the corner!

In the tunnel after climbing out of the dungeon, look in the alcove to the left. Shoot the cask hanging from the ceiling to get a Red Beryl.

You cannot return to the Dungeon, Underground Lab, Mines, or Hive once you leave them. Be sure to collect everything!

When you turn the power back on in the underground lab, return to the room where you first threw the switch to open the gate. The door on the right will now be open, letting you open the chest inside for a Yellow Diamond. Don't miss the First Aid Spray to the right of the chest!

Verdugo drops a Golden Monocle if you manage to defeat him, but it's not considered a Treasure for the purposes of the Challenge - you can simply make your escape after grabbing the Yellow Diamond if you prefer.

When you're heading to the storehouse with Luis, go up the stairs on the far side of the combat area. Immediately to the left is a cask hanging form the ceiling, which contains a Sapphire.

After retrieving the Dynamite, look for an alcove to the left just before jumping back down to the entrance tunnel. You'll find a chest with a Golden Hourglass inside.

On the stopover between the mine cart rides, be sure to open the chest on the before crossing to the second cart. It contains a Flagon, and if you miss it there's no going back!

In the tunnels halfway up the Hive, you'll see a red barrel against a wall near a mine cart. Detonate it to reveal a hidden room. Inside is a chest containing a Gold Bar.

Once you've returned to the castle, make your way back to the Throne Room. The Antechamber will be full of Ganados and Plagas (but no Garradors this time). Fight your way through, then look for the chest to the right of the throne. Use the Cubic Device to open it and retrieve the Golden Egg inside.

If you don't have any normal eggs, you can use the Golden Egg to deface Salazar's portrait, fulfilling a Merchant Request. Alternately, you can wait for one of the chickens running around to lay one.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Eleven Walkthrough

Before boarding the cable car to the clock tower, look on the right-hand side of the room. A briefcase on a small table contains a Small Key.

Don't enter the Clock Tower until you've retrieved everything that you want from the Castle, including all the locked drawers.

When the Clock Tower fight begins, turn left immediately to find an area behind the boxes. The chest there contains a Gold Bar.

Start climbing the stairs and keep going until you reach a barricade - don't step out onto the scaffolding just yet. At the barricade, a cask hanging directly above contains an Alexandrite.

At the very top of the stairs, where the lever for the iron balls is located, walk out onto the scaffolding to find a chest containing a Mirror With Pearls And Rubies.

Before activating the lift, look to the left of the lever. You'll see a chest that contains an Extravagant Clock.

Before you start to cross the scaffolding on the outside of the Clock Tower for the boss battle against Ramon, shoot the cask hanging below the yellow barrels. You'll be able to pick up the Yellow Diamond that it drops as you cross.

Next: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Twelve Walkthrough

Matt Arnold is an actor and writer based in New York. A lifelong gamer, he draws on a decade of experience in the tabletop industry. Support your local game store!

Resident Evil 4 Remake. THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT walk around to the back of the Merchant's shop Vintage Compass jump through the hole in the tower roof. Elegant Bangle turn right Elegant Perfume Bottle. look to the left use your knife to clear the wooden slats Ruby jump across the chandeliers Golden Hourglass Justitia Statue. left side of the room Gold Bar look for shelves on the left Spinel Gold Bangle. Mirror With Pearls And Rubies. return to the Wine Cellar Depraved Idol Extravagant Clock. Small Key Brass Pocket Watch drop through the hole in the ground to the left. Ornate Necklace. jump off the right side Emerald. look behind you after the third drop operate the lever above so that Sun Doors are open Ruby. Ornate Beetle Elegant Chessboard. Shoot the cask Alexandrite. look inside the cupboard in the far-left corner. open the chest in the exit hallway back corner of the Merchant's Hideout Butterfly Lamp. Yellow Diamond place the lantern on the white pedestal. CQBR Assault Rifle Gold Bar before retrieving the Salazar Family Insignia! second key from the left Elegant Perfume Bottle. use the Bunch Of Keys on the decorated chest Sapphire. look behind the wooden barrier to the right. leftmost key Emerald floor in front of the Chimera Door Golden Lynx. turn right. under the stairs that you just came down. Ornate Beetle. Ruby look on the wall straight ahead. Elegant Crown alcove to the left. Red Beryl. cannot return to the Dungeon, Underground Lab, Mines, or Hive return to the room where you first threw the switch to open the gate. Yellow Diamond. up the stairs Immediately to the left Sapphire. look for an alcove to the left Golden Hourglass on the before crossing to the second cart. Flagon red barrel against a wall near a mine cart. Gold Bar. make your way back to the Throne Room. Cubic Device Golden Egg turn left immediately Gold Bar. keep going until you reach a barricade Alexandrite. very top of the stairs walk out onto the scaffolding Mirror With Pearls And Rubies. look to the left of the lever. Extravagant Clock. shoot the cask Yellow Diamond