Summer time tea time!


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Sep 17, 2023

Summer time tea time!

With the weather getting nicer and the sun coming out, it is time to bust out

With the weather getting nicer and the sun coming out, it is time to bust out the summer drinks. One of the best drinks to have during the summer is iced tea. With the endless amount of different flavors of tea,there is something for everyone!

Below are recipes on how to make iced tea at home, along with add-ins, to make different flavored tea.

Iced Tea:

Boil 4 cups of water. Once the water is boiled, remove from heat and add 6 tea bags and steep for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, pour the tea into a pitcher and then add 4 cups of cold water and then refrigerate.

Iced Tea Tips

Important to measure water, you don't want your tea too strong or too watery.

Important to steep tea for the amount of time the tea box says since different teas have different steeping times. If it steeps for too long it will turn bitter, for green tea use slightly cooler water to avoid an olive taste.

With iced tea you are doubling the amount of tea bags with the boiling water. Many recipes say 6 tea bags for 4 cups of boiling water. If you like your tea more strong add more tea bags, and if you like it weaker than use less.

Try it with different teas! Different teas have different flavors so experiment with them!

Sweet Tea

2 cups sugar

Follow the directions for iced tea. Once your tea is done steeping, you will add the sugar and mix until it is dissolved. You can always add more or less sugar depending on how sweet you like your tea, just know if you add sugar once the tea is cold the sugar will not dissolve into the tea.

Arnold Palmer

1 ¾ cup sugar

1 cup water

9 medium lemons

7 cups of cold water

Add 1 ¾ cup of white sugar to 1 cup of water, mix in a sauce pan and bring to a boil, making a simple syrup. Juice lemons until you have 1 ½ cups of lemon juice, about 9 medium lemons. Add 7 cups of cold water into a pitcher and add in lemon juice and then simple syrup.

In a cup, add half lemonade and half iced tea for a delicious and refreshing drink!

Peach Tea

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

2 ripe peaches thinly sliced

Put sugar, water, and peaches into a saucepan and bring to boil. Once it's boiled, lower heat and use a wooden spoon to stir and mash peaches. Once the sugar is dissolved, cover and remove the pan from heat and let it sit for 25-30 minutes. After the steeping time, strain the syrup from the peaches and put in a bottle or jar for storing.

When you want peach tea, add syrup to your iced tea!

Raspberry Tea

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

1 cup raspberries

Put sugar, water, and raspberry into a saucepan and bring to boil, once it's boiled lower heat and use a wooden spoon to stir and crush. Once the sugar is dissolved, cover and remove the pan from heat and let it sit for 25-30 minutes. After the steeping time, strain the syrup from the raspberries and put in a bottle or jar for storing.

When you want raspberry tea, add syrup to your iced tea!

Iced Tea: Iced Tea Tips Sweet Tea Arnold Palmer Peach Tea Raspberry Tea